I feel like those dreams you have of running down a hallway that never ends…
Well, it’s not that bad, but the issue with renovating a building older than myself there are inevitably going to be issues. It seems as if I’ve been able to find each and every one of them! I won’t bore you with details, but suffice to say we are a wee behind. Some have seen the video today and thought, hmm early November open? No way! And you’d be correct. We are looking early December now. As I told my contractor, it’s in God’s hands now and I won’t fret over what I can’t control. The good news is I’ve stumbled upon a few awesome people to join the team. Some previous that I’ve worked with and some new, but all amazing! So, when we finally do open my hope is you will have an amazing experience! There will be a bunch more happening weekly so I’ll throw videos up more often now. Thanks for everyone’s patience and I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!