Well hello there! Long time no speak. Life has been crazy and I honestly forgot I should/could update here(I’m an idiot). We closed early July and what should’ve been a 10 week permitting process wound up being 17. During that time I moved one daughter to Boulder and successfully pulled off a wedding in Colorado for my other daughter without a hitch. I landed and looked aback on the last 8 weeks and was blown away it went without a hitch. I had to play mom and dad and I’m a terrible mom. Thank God for lots of help from some amazing people. I’ll post a couple pics when we get them from the photographer. Now we are full force into finishing the renovation. Looking early November, will firm up dates in the next few weeks and we will have a few nights of friends and family before we open the doors. I wish I could say this has gone off like the move and wedding, but not so much. A myriad of hurdles, but we are muddling through. I’ve done so many and honestly after struggling through Julie’s battle, none of these issues seem very big. We will have to open sometime and I’m looking forward to it. To sharing wine, laughs and stories with all of you. Thanks for your patience and we will see you soon!