June 27 Update

Holy moly it's hot and summer is flying already! We are closing from Sunday. July 3 and reopening Tuesday July 12. Just a quick break after an insane 8 months.…

View June 27 Update

Update 6/7/22

Ok, some clarification. For June through September we are offering JBD or Jay's Bar Discount! If you walk in on the bar side between 5pm and 6:30pm and order food…

View Update 6/7/22

May 17, 2022

Hi gang! Summer has arrived in the afternoons, but gosh the mornings are amazing! We've finalized our bar time for the next few months! The bar side, affectionately known as…

View May 17, 2022


Well, we made it into May. What a ride it's been and we are so grateful to all of you that have supported us this first 6 months. Even when…

View Phew!

March 14, 2022

Hello all! We are in the thick of it, but oddly seeming to get our stride. Update on reservations, it is working best to by phone and the redundancies we've…

View March 14, 2022

Reservations requests

Hello all, one month and it's gone pretty well. No disasters, just some minor speed bumps. One being reservations. 100 a day has been overwhelming. I apologize to those that…

View Reservations requests


It's been a crazy couple years for all of us. A little over a year ago I had several things bothering me that needed solving. One, about 5 months out…

View Finally...

November 30, 2021

Going to be an interesting few weeks. Tons of inspections and if the sky doesn't fall we will open around the 15th. We will begin taking phone reservations on Monday…

View November 30, 2021


Slowly but surely, step by step, inch by inch. I feel like I've been vague with my wording on timing so no one can hold me accountable for delays! Kidding…

View 11/22/21

10/28 Update

I feel like those dreams you have of running down a hallway that never ends... Well, it's not that bad, but the issue with renovating a building older than myself…

View 10/28 Update